  • Chooses one person at night.
  • Visits that person (can be Driven).
  • Checks alignment, then performs an action:
  • If the Mimic chose a town:
  • ...Visits that person and self (cannot be Driven).
  • ...Steals their role and turns them into a Villager.
  • If the Mimic chose a mafia:
  • ...Visits self (cannot be Driven).
  • ...Turns self into a Villager.
  • If the Mimic chose a 3rd party role:
  • ...Visits self (cannot be Driven).
  • ...Turns self into an Amnesiac.
  • Sided with the village.

In popular setups

drunken slutty party (dsp) played 170 times
about 13 years
this is a good role, especially if someone like the cop is retarded (assuming the mimic isn't also retarded)
deletedabout 13 years
I really don't see how people would suicide with this role in ranked. It's a pretty entertaining role, having played with it in a game in real life.

Also, isn't amnesiac rarely played in ranked? Either way, it's really not like amnesiac at all when you think about it. It takes the role of a living player and steals that role.

It brings a competitive asset to ranked play and some hilarious swaps for unranked.
deletedabout 13 years
You basically made an amnesiac that has the chance of being blue. Its a sandbox role but if it went to ranked anyone who got a bad role(blue) would suicide.
deletedabout 13 years
Love it :3
about 13 years
nice role
deletedabout 13 years
yeah, it can choose no one instead of choosing a person.
about 13 years
Does it have to choose or can it choose no one and wait to do it? That way you can test a cop claim by mimicing them.
deletedabout 13 years
What it means by assuming the role at night is, for example, that Stalker will discover the swapped/changed role and that the reports of the swapped player will instead be received by the mimic. Additionally, this role's night action would fall under the category of "conversion."